Don't Look Up Movie Review, a Netflix-produced film starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Timothée Chalamet, Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchett, Jonah Hill, Tyler Perry, Mark Rylance, Rob Morgan, Ron Perlman and Ariana Grande. A Netflix movie that I liked and that I gladly recommend.
Don't Look Up Movie Review 2021
This being released towards the end of 2021, I kind of understand on the one hand, why many chose this in their top 10 list ... on the other hand, I wonder if I should recommed a couple of movies to those who have. And I don't mean to be ... mean! I just think that 2021 had some really good movies - some that are deserving to be in anyones top 10.
Then again, who am I to argue or to tell anyone what they should or shouldn't like? Especially when it comes to humor. Some did not even like this for example - it is quite on the nose. And I don't think it is only people who feel they are being spoofed. The movie is as obvious an allegory to the current climate (and the conspiracy nutters and those who fully believe they do not belong to that group but will post anything anti goverment and anti science - without fact checking any of it) ... this is not Idiocracy ... but it is an effort that really knows what it wants to tell and show us.
The acting is impeccable. There are running gags in this (the free food that is being sold - I'll be damned if that ain't quite the stab on many things! Healthcare, food in general and so many other things that the goverment and/or others are selling to us) ... Really good movie then ... one that has many things it is able to tell us, but one that is not afraid to be as silly as it can.
Standout performances by anyone in this - either over the top (mostly) or a bit more subtle. Jonah Hill proves once again, that he's able to be dramatic and funny/weird at the same time. The added bonus scene after the credits, sums the movie up quite nicely ... very well done, but tonally on many different levels and maybe even "wrong" ... but everyone may experience it differently. Don't be mad if you feel this makes fun of you .. rather try to figure out why you feel like this is something that triggers you so much. I can only suggest that as a solution, you'll have to figure it out yourself in the end ... because if not, than there won't be a happy end for anyone - no pun intended.
Review by kosmasp